Benefits of Network Marketing

Network Marketing is a grossly misunderstood industry in the business world largely because of ignorance and naysayers who thought network marketing is a get rich quick business. Network marketing like every other business requires work, however, the rewards structures are second to none. This is so because there are available tools, trainings and other support structures to help develop individuals who are serious about success. And most often, all of these tools, trainings are most times available for free.

In the the words of Brian Tracy (best selling author), "The future of network marketing is unlimited. There is no end in sight, it will continue to grow because better people are getting into it... soon it will be one of the most respected business methods in the world"

Let's delve into why network marketing is more effective and rewarding in creating wealth than most traditional businesses in our world today.

  1. Unlimited Income Potential: In most jobs or traditional businesses, one's ability to increase earnings is not guarantee even where extra efforts are put in. As a matter of fact, most employees are under constant threat because there are those willing to work at less salary. With a good network marketing, the opposite is the case. As you put in more efforts, so is your leverage ratio i.e. ability to earn more.
  2. Small Capital Start Up: Most network marketing requires little or no capital start up. In some network marketing company, you can get started with less than $200. Whereas, in traditional businesses, to get started, capital layout such as rent, utilities, payroll, permits and other forms of taxes are required. 
  3. Freedom: This to me is one huge benefit you enjoy by being part of a great network marketing company. You have the opportunity to choose what time you want to work! We all have our most creative and energy time. This is the time we are most productive, we can therefore plan our working hours around this time to building our MLM business. We also enjoy freedom of location! We can choose to work from home or any location that best suits our productivity. Technology has also help in breaking boundaries! With our smartphones, we can connect to prospects in any part of the world to discuss about our network marketing business, train them through zoom and get them to sign up into our team. This is so important, bearing in mind the present situation of social distancing, lock-downs and new normal.
  4. Security: The era of job security is gone forever! Artificial intelligent is beginning to replace human efforts. And as they get smarter, so will job opportunity become less secure. While the reverse is the case in network marketing- there is continuous recruitment, because network marketing thrives with people (person to person marketing, words of mouth advertising) which can not be replaced by technology or robots.  As a matter of fact, you are the boss, who decides how you want to run your team in line with best practices.
  5. Recognition: All human beings like to be celebrated and recognised. The reverse is the case in job environment, you likely get recognition most times when you make mistake- query or fired! Network marketing recognises every little achievement and you are celebrated with pump and pageantry. In most network marketing, the culture of recognition is an inbuilt thing. 
  6. Work With Like Minded People: In work places, we are often forced or have to cope with people we don't like their guts. There is also endless unhealthy rivalry between staff in an organisation. Network marketing allows you to work with people you share the same vision and dreams with. You have the choice of who you would want to work with.    
  7. Awesome Power Of Leverage: If there is anything that makes creating wealth easy in network marketing, it is the opportunity it gives individual to leverage! The potential to grow your team exponentially is always there to explore and as you grow, so is your income. This is so because you earn commissions on everyone in your team whether you brought them directly or indirectly. This is how true wealth is created! You don't have to depend on your time, skill or efforts only to earn income. Network marketing simply let you multiply your time, skills, efforts in others.
  8. Entrepreneur And Leadership Skills: One of the beauties of network marketing is the person you become. Network marketing help you to develop high emotional intelligent- your ability to delay gratification. This is the hallmark of successful people. Robert Kiyosaki, calls network marking the "PERFECT BUSINESS". It is a business model that allows you to develop skills in people management- leadership.

Why You Should Consider Network Marketing

The reason I recommend network marketing is because it is the business of the future. Technology is making network marketing more fun than ever.The economy is also not as good as it used to be. Job security is fast fading as robots or artificial intelligent get smarter. Now is the time to open your mind and save yourself of the impending financial crisis. Joining network marketing gives you control over your life. You don't have to quit your present job, you can add it to your income streams, it however, has the capacity to over take your regular pay job or small business.
Network marketing has gotten this far because more and more quality people are either endorsing it or becoming part of it. Network marketing has been professed to be the "FUTURE OF BUSINESS". This is so because technology has created a perfect platform to reaching millions of prospects world wide. 

The era of job security has gone forever! As technology improves, so will job insecurity increase. It will be in our best interest to look for and join a great network marketing company and start building a great team on part-time or full-time basis. I admonish you with the words of  Harvey Mackay "Dig your well before you're thirsty" and the old saying "For you better start swimming or you'll sink like a stone for the times they are changing" 

Thinking Of A Great Network Marketing Company To Join?  

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