
Showing posts from July, 2021

Network Marketing, The best Business Model

 Network Marketing also known as Multi Level Marketing has evolved over the last 50 years to becoming a global phenomenon. The advent of the internet has endeared it to many who hitherto would not have anything to do with Network Marketing. Right now, network marketing is poised to become the giant that will out grow any other form of conventional business. Network marketing is the fastest growing method of distribution in the world and we all have an opportunity to be part of it to prosper greatly from it in years to come. Why Network Marketing? Network marketing offers individual the opportunities to: Be Your Own Boss, by joining a good network marketing company, you are a part of a big organisation who is however in control of the hours you put into building your own (business) team. Although you are part of the organisation, you are operating independently. You determine what hours you want to put into working, where and when you want to work and the people you want to work wit...